Ground coffee

Segafredo Zanetti

Segafredo Zanetti is the undisputed leader in espresso coffee in Italy as well as all over the world, with a precise mission: to spread the taste, the culture and preparation of a real Italian Espresso, offering a product of outright quality, guaranteed from the small plant to the cup, as only Segafredo Zanetti can do.

  • Intermezzo

    Интермеззо нь Сегафредо Занетти брэндийн хамгийн эртний бөгөөд алдартай жоруудын нэг бөгөөд сайн чанарын Арабика болон Робуста үрийн холимог болох энэхүү кофе нь уламжлалт Итали эспрессоны амтыг эрхэмлэгчдийн дунд хамгийн их таашаагдсан сонголт юм.

    Дундаж хууралт (Medium roast), өтгөн өрөм (crema), өтгөн (Full bodied).

    1 кг савлагаатай, үрлэн кофе.

  • Ho. Re. Ca

    Segafredo Zanetti brand Ho. Re. Ka pellet coffee is a professional blend for hotels, restaurants and cafes. A blend of premium Arabica and Robusta seeds, this coffee is a strong but well-balanced espresso, making it a top choice for a variety of interesting and multi-consumer places.

    Medium roast, Full bodied. 1 kg of coffee beans.

    1 кг савлагаатай, үрлэн кофе.

    Ho. Re. Ca
  • Extra Strong

    Enriched with a small amount of Robusta seeds from Arabica seeds grown in the highlands of Central America and East Africa, this coffee produces a dense espresso with a moderately acidic, earthy taste and you can be sure that it will refresh you any morning.

    Medium roast, Full bodied. 1 kg of coffee beans

    1 кг савлагаатай, үрлэн кофе

    Extra Strong
  • Espresso Casa

    Espresso Casa is a mixture of good quality Arabica and Robusta seeds and is perfect for anyone who wants to drink delicious espresso at home, which is served in a coffee shop. This coffee can be crushed in a suitable amount and used in a traditional espresso machine, as well as cooked at home with all kinds of coffee makers such as Moka pot and French press.

    Medium roast, with crema, fragrant, full bodied. Coffee beans in a package of 500 g

    500 гр савлагаатай, үрлэн кофе

    Espresso Casa

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