Capsule coffee machine

la san marco

As a synonym for espresso coffee machines, La San Marco is the worldwide standard bearer for the best from tradition and innovation. The evolution of our machines can be seen in the many models that were admired for their unique qualities and are fondly remembered by those who used them or benefited from them. From the debut 900 Series, bearing the mythical winged lion image and the original La San Marco logo, to the Lollobrigida and Disco Volante models of the fifties, and on to those of the SM era and the successes of the 85, 95, 100 and New 105 Multiboiler Series. It’s the story of an Italian concern that has successfully carried the great tradition and passion of espresso coffee around the world and is now firmly established as sector leader thanks to its solid organisation and efficient sales network. 

la san marco we2

La San Marco брэндийн хоёр гартай мэргэжлийн капсул кофе машин нь суурилуулалан ашиглахад маш хялбар, мэргэжлийн бариста байхгүй ч амттай кофе бэлтгэх боломжтой төхөөрөмж юм. 

Энэхүү машин нь Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System брэндийн капсулаар ажиллана.