Brodies 1867

Цай, кофе, шоколад үйлдвэрлэгч Шотландын Brodies брэнд нь Дэлхийн цайны зөвлөл-ийн гишүүн бөгөөд дээд зэрэглэлийн, амт чанар сайтай цайгаараа зах зээлд хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн компани.


    Brodies brand dip tea is made using the latest technology of tea leaves, as well as various herbs and fruits.

    By choosing the Brodies brand, you can experience classic flavors such as Tea Masala and Darjilin, as well as cool flavors such as Cool Ginger Tea, Lemon and Ginger Tea, and other flavors such as Raspberry, Apple and Red Butter.

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    Brodies' premium tea and herbal tea leaves, with traditional recipes and modern technology, have a delightful taste and aroma, as well as classic flavors such as Earl Gray, Ceylon and Jasmine, as well as fruit flavors such as Roybus, Lemon and Rock.

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